
Announcement of the first public participation in the environmental impact assessment of the 60,000 tons/year unsaturated polyester resin automated improvement and transformation project of Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.
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Announcement of the first public participation in the environmental impact assessment of the 60,000 tons/year unsaturated polyester resin automated improvement and transformation project of Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.

Publish Time: 2023-06-30     Origin: Site

in accordance with'Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China','Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment' (Ministry of Ecology and Environment Order No.4) and relevant regulations on environmental impact assessment of construction projects, the following announcement is hereby issued:

Project Overview

project name:610,000 tons/Unsaturated polyester resin automation improvement and transformation project

Construction unit:Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.

Construction location:In Pingyuan County Provincial Chemical Industry Park, North Second Ring Road, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province

Main construction contents:The total investment of this project600Ten thousand yuan, covering an area20000m2, for existing610,000 tons/In 2016, the unsaturated polyester resin production line and supporting facilities were technologically transformed, the factory equipment and resources were integrated, and automation was improved.The project does not belong to the 'Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog (2019The encouraged, restricted and phased out categories in this year's edition are allowed construction projects.In line with national industrial policies.projectStrict environmental protection measures are planned to ensure that the discharge of various pollutants meets standards.

, Construction unit name and contact information

Construction unit:Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.

contact addressIn Pingyuan County Provincial Chemical Industry Park, North Second Ring Road, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province

Contact person:Manager Xiao contact number:18953433377

bearEvaluation agency for environmental impact assessment work

environmental impact assessmentmechanism:Shandong Feiran Environmental Protection Consulting Co., Ltd.

addressJinan Shangang Xintiandi OfficeBuilding 7, Unit 2, Unit 5Room 07

Contact person:senior engineer contact number:0531-55516588


Main ways for the public to express opinions

If the public has opinions on environmental protection of construction projects, they can fill out the 'Public Opinion Form for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects' (link:http://www.mee.gov.cn/xxgk2018/xxgk/xxgk01/201810/t20181024_665

329.html)orShandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.You can obtain a hard copy of the construction project environmental impact assessment public opinion form at your address from the date of this announcement.Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.Shandong Feiran Environmental Protection Consulting Co., Ltd.Submit the 'Public Comment Form on Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects' by letter, phone, fax or email.

Announcement issuing unit:Shandong Wanglin New Materials Co., Ltd.

Announcement release time: 2023630

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